We are excited to share highlights from the 63rd IALB / 13th EUFRAS / 10th SEASN conference in Edinburgh, Scotland this September.
10/4/20242 min read

EUFRAS has actively started the new autumn season by participating in events, attending conferences, holding EUFRAS COFFEE Break events and actively planning new works.
This time we would like to tell about how the EUFRAS team did at the 63 IALB / 13 EUFRAS / 10 SEASN conference in Edinburgh, Scotland this September.
We would like to say a great thanks to the organizers of the event and the host organization SRUC for a well-organized event, during which many actual topics in agriculture were interwoven and discussed, with a special emphasis on the Scottish experience, such as agricultural policy and state involvement in it, as well as the role of consultations in supporting European agriculture. Also, we learned about Scottish seed potatoes experience and global challenges.
Thank you for the interesting and diverse field trips, which gave an insight into livestock, crop, arable areas, in diversified farming, also in wildlife areas, cultural and historical objects and rural tourism.
Thanks also to the Scottish weather for sparing 😊
And finally, we would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who attended the EUFRAS workshop on "New roles for the rural advisors" within the framework of the conference.
Below are a few photos from the event...
See you next year in Brussels!

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Phone: +371 29736468
mail: anita.dzelme@llkc.lv
Biedrība "Eiropas Lauksaimniecības un lauku konsultantu asociācija"
NGO " European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services"
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