What does CECRA mean?
The availability of competency development programmes for advisors and consultants in rural areas varies between and within countries. Those that are available often focus on knowledge rather than skills development. under the umbrella of the IALB (International Academy of Rural Extension), standards were complied over a four-year project phase (2009 - 2012) for a qualification and competence development program for consultants in rural areas, concluding with the CECRA (Certificate for European Consultants in Rural Areas) Certificate.
CECRA combines a seminar series consisting of various modules with familiarization with rural advisory work in other regions and structures. and offers cross-border networking opportunities for the Certificate holder. The competency development program can be concluded with a basic certificate "CECRA Basics" and/ or after fulfilment of all requirements with 'CECRA Certificate".
For more info, press here
The Organisation
CECRA's owner is the IALB, which decides on organizational and development issues on the modular training program.
The IALB appoints CECRA Working Group of the operational implementation. CECRA Working Group is composed of (i) representatives of the Regional Certification Bodies in the German-speaking countries, (ii) the head of EUFRAS CECRA-WG and (iii) a chairperson from a Regional Certification Body of other Europian countries. The implementation and development of CECRA is monitored by the appointed CECRA-WG. The Members of the Working Group are nominated by the Regional Certification Bodies themselves and communicated to the IALB board, and elect a Chairperson in each case. This regulation applies also to EUFRAS.
Riga str 34, Ozolnieki, Jelgavas novads, LV-3018, Latvija
Phone: +371 29736468
mail: anita.dzelme@llkc.lv
Biedrība "Eiropas Lauksaimniecības un lauku konsultantu asociācija"
NGO " European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services"
Reg nr. 40008219277