EUFRAS is involved in three European policy-making initiatives
Advisory Group on Sustainability of Food Systems (AGSFS) has been established, in order to consult in an open and transparent way all relevant stakeholders on issues relating to the implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy and food systems’ sustainability.
Food systems’ sustainability is to be understood as including all aspects relating to health/nutrition/marketing, environmental/climate, agriculture/ agronomy/fisheries/aquaculture, and social science areas as well as in digital transformation, and finance areas pertaining to food systems.
The Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal aiming to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly.
Advisory Group on Sustainability of Food Systems (AGSFS)
EU agri-food chain Observatory (AFCO)
EU agri-food chain Observatory (AFCO) will look at production costs, margins and trading practices was announced mid-March as one of the measures to strengthen the position of farmers in the food supply chain and reinforce the trust between all actors throughout the chain.
Its objective is to bring increased transparency on prices, structure of costs and distribution of margins and added value in the supply chain, while respecting confidentiality and competition rules. Building trust between all stakeholders and public authorities is essential to ensure all actors are fairly remunerated for their contributions and work in the agri food supply chain.
The Observatory will gather up to 80 members, representing national authorities in charge of agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture or the food supply chain, as well as organizations representing stakeholders active in various stages of the chain - from farmers, input providers, food industry, traders, to transport, logistics, retail and consumers.
It is expected that the work of the Observatory will allow to develop methodologies to assess and monitor the structure of costs and the distribution of margins and value added along the food supply chain.
Members will also exchange information about trading practices affecting positively or negatively the smooth functioning of the supply chain.

Civil Dialogue Groups (CDGs)
Civil Dialogue Groups (CDGs) are Commission expert groups specific to the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development. They provide a single legal and procedural framework for consultation of non-governmental stakeholders. The CDGs assist the European Commission in the preparation of policy initiatives, providing advice in relation to their thematic areas of competence when specific expertise is required. In addition, CDGs bring about an exchange of experiences and best practices, including dissemination of information among their members, and allow them to monitor the policy developments in the area of their activities.
Commission set up the following 7 thematic civil dialogue groups in matters covered by the common agricultural policy (CAP):
· CAP Strategic Plans and horizontal matters
· Agricultural markets
· Animal production
· International aspects of agriculture
· Organic farming
· Quality and promotion
· Environment and climate change

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mail: anita.dzelme@llkc.lv
Biedrība "Eiropas Lauksaimniecības un lauku konsultantu asociācija"
NGO " European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services"
Reg nr. 40008219277