Rural Economy and Agriculture Societies – Hushållningssällskapet
The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies is a modern and vibrant body of knowledge transfer with a history extending all the way back to 1791. Today, we are still that bridge between research and development and rural enterprises. Our staff in advisory and education services, field trials, and research and development all have a common goal of a prosperous and vibrant future in agriculture and rural communities in Sweden.
Country: Sweden
Address : Hushållningssällskapens förbund, Drottninggatan 95B, 113 60 Stockholm, Sweden
Representative Name : Nicklas Bengtsson
Representative Email :
website :

RI.SE The Knowledge Centre for Animal Husbandry
The Knowledge Centre for Animal Husbandry is a government funded organization with the aim to enhance the profitability, competitiveness and productivity within the Swedish animal husbandry, by making research and knowledge easily available for the farmers and the advising companies.
Country: Sweden
Address : Ultunaallén 4, Box 7033, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Representative Name : Eva Salomon
Representative Email :