IALB / EUFRAS / SEASN Annual Conference 25-26 June, Brussels

Save the date for the 64th IALB | 14th EUFRAS | 11th SEASN Annual rural advisors conference in 2025 what will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from 25 to 26 June.


12/13/20242 min read

Save the date!

Dear EUFRAS Members,

we cordially invite you to the 2025 international annual conference of rural advisors in Brussels. The exchange on the current and future role of rural advisory services in relation to agricultural policy objectives is the focus this time. The conference topic is ‘Strengthening the role of advisors and educators in the CAP - now and in future’. The Free State of Bavaria is organizing the 2025 conference, supported by many valuable contributions from IALB, EUFRAS and SEASN representatives, various country representations and the Boerenbond Flanders. On 25 June 2025, the plenary event with keynote speakers, presentation of the position paper of the advisory networks, poster session and the agricultural policy evening will take place at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU in Brussels. On 26 June 2025, best-practice examples of professional support through advice, training and innovation projects will be discussed in workshops, and approaches to further developing the role of advice in various policy and thematic areas will be developed. On the afternoon of 26 June, visits to EU institutions will take place.

The program of the event is available here

Registration is now open on the conference website https://eveeno.com/ialb-eufras-seasn-2025. Please circulate this information and publish the event in your communication channels.

EUFRAS and SEASN member organizations can receive a EUR 30 discount on the attendance fee for three participants. When registering, you can activate the discount by entering the promotional code that is sent to the EUFRAS representative of your organization (see members’ list). The discount is also available for young advisors aged under 35. We’d like to especially encourage young advisors to participate and join the Young-EUFRAS program offers.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Rui Almeida

EUFRAS president

The conference documentation will be available at the IALB-Website from 26 June.