i2connect final conference will take place final conference will take place from the 1st to the 3rd of October 2024 in Varna, Bulgaria
Event is aimed at several target groups: EIP-AGRI facilitators, advisors in agriculture, forestry or rural development, their managers, innovation support services, trainers for these various groups, as well as researchers working on interactive innovation and public authorities. It will be the last opportunity to discover the outcomes of i2connect!
9/16/20241 min read

The i2connect final conference will take place from the 1st to the 3rd of October 2024 in Varna, Bulgaria.
This Horizon 2020 project aims to empower advisors and facilitators to support interactive innovation processes in the agriculture and forestry sectors.
Event is aimed at several target groups: EIP-AGRI facilitators, advisors in agriculture, forestry or rural development, their managers, innovation support services, trainers for these various groups, as well as researchers working on interactive innovation and public authorities. It will be the last opportunity to discover the outcomes of i2connect: national AKIS studies, in-depth case studies of interactive innovation projects across Europe, training contents and materials, a toolkit for facilitators, a pool of trained experts - trainers, advisors, managers and students - who can be contacted via i2connect’s “Advisory Services Database”... These outcomes will be presented in an interactive format, inviting contributions and reflections from participants. There will be also field visits to discover innovative projects in Bulgaria, and time for informal discussions and networking between participants.
You can register here
Please feel free to contact the i2connect coordination team (sylvain.sturel@apca.chambagri.fr and agathe.darret@apca.chambagri.fr for any question and to prepare your participation in the conference.

Riga str 34, Ozolnieki, Jelgavas novads, LV-3018, Latvija
Phone: +371 29736468
mail: anita.dzelme@llkc.lv
Biedrība "Eiropas Lauksaimniecības un lauku konsultantu asociācija"
NGO " European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services"
Reg nr. 40008219277