On 3rd March of 2016 EUFRAS held its Members' meeting in Paris, France, witch was attended by more than forty participants from Ireland, Switzerland. Finland, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary and Kosovo, representing 17 of by that time 30 EUFRAS member organizations.
The Board of EUFRAS was re-elected and three new members were elected to expand the number of Board members from 5 to 7 persons. Tom Kelly was appointed as the Chairman of the Board, Edgars Linde as the Vice-Chairman of the Board and Pablo Asensio, Micahel Kuegler, Anton Jagodic, Jussi Juhola, Sylvain Sturel - as Members of the Board for the next two years.
In the year 2016 EUFRAS applied for several project proposals within the Horizon2020 program as a linked third party to one of its member organizations for knowledge creation and dissemination activities. Currently EUFRAS is also engaged in two already approved projects - Organic Knowledge Network Arable and Fertinnowa, as well as the Board of EUFRAS is represented in Stakeholder Steering Committees, for example for the Lunārāk project.
Three new organizations were admitted into the Society. Currently thirty three organizations from twenty four countries ar actively working in EUFRAS
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mail: anita.dzelme@llkc.lv
Biedrība "Eiropas Lauksaimniecības un lauku konsultantu asociācija"
NGO " European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services"
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